Wednesday, November 28, 2012

4-month stats

At his four-month well check we learned that August didn't grow a whole lot in the last 2 months. 

4-month stats:
13 lbs 6 oz - 12th percentile (down from 58th% on 9/26)
24.75 inches - 35th percentile (down from 92nd%)
Weight-Length ratio - 10th percentile (same)

So he only grew 3/4 inch and gained less than one pound in 2 months.  But he appears to be very healthy and has plenty of baby chub, so the doctor isn't worried. August is a healthy, happy baby!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Babysitter Bonnie

My family/business partners had a huge project to do at Curves over Thanksgiving weekend, and like always, we are so lucky to have Grandma Bonnie (Gary's mom) to watch the kids. She was kind enough to bring August over to the club for feedings vs. me having to pump bottles during our work.

Here are they are ready to head back home from Curves. Thanks so much Bonnie!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Napping with Dad on Thanksgiving

Watching football with the boys

Family photo shoot (which didn't turn out good enough for the Christmas card, so we went a different direction on that)

And playing with Aunt Diana

Making cute faces

This is for "Glamour Shots by Deb"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bright Eyes

A couple of cute pictures of our bright-eyed baby!

With loving big sister

Working on rolling over ...

On November 20th August rolled over from front to back, and the next day he rolled over from back to front, twice! This would completely unaided and on a flat surface. But he has not repeated the feat since then. So he has rolled over, but I wouldn't say he "is rolling over."